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- The 3DO Company
- Army Men(TM): Toys in Space(TM)
- Demo Version 1.0
- October 8, 1999
- ...........................................
- 1) Notes
- 2) System Requirements
- 3) Installation
- 4) Key Features
- 5) Multi-Player Games
- 6) Technical Issues
- 7) DirectX(TM) And You
- 8) Purchasing 3DO Software
- 9) Contacting 3DO Customer Support
- ...........................................
- 1) Notes
- Welcome to the Army Men: Toys in Space demo. Army Men: Toys
- in Space features even more combat action with everyone's
- favorite plastic figures. This Readme file contains some
- general information about this demo. It also has other
- useful imformation about this title and other 3DO topics.
- ...........................................
- 2) System Requirements
- - Windows 95/98
- - Pentium 90 minimum; (Pentium 133 recommended)
- - 16MB RAM; (32MB recommended)
- - 4X CD-ROM drive
- - DirectX 6 compatible sound and video cards
- - 150MB minimum hard disk space
- - Peripherals: Keyboard, Mouse
- - Multi-Player: TCP/IP, IPX, LAN, Modem to Modem, and
- direct Serial connections (28.8kpbs or better
- required for modem play; Internet Service Provider
- required for internet play)
- In order to play the game, you will need to have DirectX
- version 6.1 (or later) installed on your computer. For
- information on how to find out if your drivers are current
- please refer to our support page,
- http://www.3do.com/support
- or if you would like to download DirectX directly from
- Microsoft,
- http://www.microsoft.com/directx/default.asp
- ...........................................
- 3) Installation
- To install the game simply double-click on the amtisdemo.exe
- executable (you have probably done that already if you are
- reading this file).
- The installer prompts you to specify the Program Folder in
- which to create the "Army Men Toys in Space Demo" Program
- Folder. The default Program Folder is "3DO".
- To run the game after installation use the Start menu to
- navigate to the "Army Men Toys in Space Demo" Program Folder
- and click on the icon named "Army Men Toys in Space Demo".
- To uninstall the demo use the Start menu to navigate to the
- "Army Men Toys in Space Demo" Program Folder and click on
- the icon named "Uninstall Army Men Toys in Space Demo".
- ...........................................
- 4) Key Features
- The demo allows you to play one single player campaign
- mission by pressing the "Campaign" button on the main menu.
- The demo also includes one Multi-player map that you can
- play either against the computer (by selecting "Battle"
- from the main menu) or against other people (by
- selecting "Multi-player" from the main menu).
- Here are some key game features that you should keep in mind
- while playing the Army Men: Toys in Space demo:
- The game view is split into two major areas: the viewport
- where you see a view of the world and the dashboard which
- contains buttons plus the strategic map.
- How to select Sarge: Left-click on Sarge.
- How to select other units: Left-click on any of your units
- on the screen.
- How to select multiple units: Hold down the control key and
- drag a rectangle with the left
- mouse button over the units you
- want to select.
- How to deselect units: Hold down the control key and click
- on an empty area in the viewport.
- Alternatively click on an empty
- squad slot in the dashboard.
- How to select Sarge with the
- dashboard interface:
- Left-click on the first SQUADS button
- in the SQUADS portion of the dashboard.
- This will select Sarge and the members
- in his squad (if he has any). Sarge is
- always the first group; look for the
- Sarge Stripes!
- Left-click on his SELECTED UNIT icon
- (this is always the first slot if Sarge
- is selected).
- Press F1. This will select Sarge and
- the members in his squad (if he has
- any).
- Left-click on Sarge's current weapon.
- Unless it is a special use weapon (such
- as a medkit) this will select and
- center on Sarge.
- How to select and deselect units
- with the dashboard interface:
- To select only one unit from the
- Currently selected units, left-click
- on any Unit icon in the SELECTED UNITS
- section.
- To deselect, control-left-click on any
- How to select squads with the
- dashboard interface:
- Left-click on any of the SQUADS slots.
- - Sarge is always the leader of Squad 1.
- - Each slot will have an icon of the
- squad leader's weapon.
- How to make squads with the
- dashboard interface:
- First, be sure to have the units you
- want already selected in the SELECTED
- UNITS section and that the selection
- leader (the first in the SELECTED UNITS
- section) is the unit that you want to
- be squad leader.
- Then:
- Right-click on any of the SQUADS slots
- in the dashboard.
- - If the slot is empty a new squad will
- be created.
- - If a squad already exists in that slot,
- the SELECTED UNITS will be added to
- the squad.
- NOTE: You cannot put Sarge in any other
- squad. Sarge is always the leader of
- Squad 1.
- **********MOVING SELECTED UNITS or SQUADS**********
- Mouse driven: Right-clicking a destination on the game
- viewport while any number of units is selected
- will make the units move to that destination.
- To make the selection leader fire, move your
- cursor over or near an enemy and left-click.
- Alternatively, holding the right mouse button
- down and dragging it while one or more units
- are selected will provide manual-style
- control. The selection leader will move
- wherever you drag the mouse icon. Left-
- clicking in this mode will fire the selection
- leaders current weapon.
- Keyboard driven: The default (They are user configurable)
- controls will allow you take manual-style
- control of Sarge (or any unit and squad).
- To fire, you can still use the mouse or
- press the spacebar.
- NOTE: You may find that a combination of
- both input devices works best.
- *********FIRING A WEAPON**********
- Any of the following methods can be used to fire:
- ∑ Press the Left Mouse button (as long as the cursor is not
- on one of your units)
- ∑ Press the Spacebar
- **********ADDITIONAL INFORMATION about the Interface for
- Army Men: Toys in Space**********
- Strategic map: You can move the game viewport via the
- strategic map by using the mouse to move the
- small frame inside this screen.
- You can order the selected units to a
- destination on the strategic map by right
- clicking on the map.
- Centering the game viewport
- on Sarge or any other units:
- 1. Push the function key that selects this
- units squad twice. The Function keys
- (F1-F12) correspond to squads 1 to 12.
- (Only squad 1 to 6 are represented on
- the dashboard in the SQUADS section).
- F1 will always select Sarge's squad so
- pressing F1 twice will center on Sarge.
- 2. Click any SQUAD or SELECTED UNIT button
- twice.
- * Whenever Sarge is not directly
- controlled by the user, he will operate
- under AI control.
- * Selecting Sarge and having direct
- control of him are two distinct phases
- in the selection process.
- **********OTHER USEFUL INFROMATION**********
- Dropping Items: If Sarge's inventory is full, and you wish
- to make room for some other type of Power-
- Ups, you can have Sarge drop items. Sarge
- can drop any items except for his Rifle, or
- any Rifle upgrades (like the Machine Gun or
- Vulcan Cannon). Just right click on the item
- that you want to drop in Sarge's inventory.
- The item will appear on the ground at
- Sarge's feet. If you decide that you want
- the original Power-Up after all, you can
- pick it up again just by having Sarge walk
- over it.
- Retracting Dashboard: If you find that you want to increase
- the size of the viewable game screen
- area, it is possible to retract the
- Dashboard on the right side of the
- screen. Simply click on the vertical
- bar on the far right side of the
- screen (the bar that has Sarge's
- health meter on it), and the Dashboard
- will retract. Click on the bar again,
- and the Dashboard will expand.
- **********SUMMARY OF CONTROLS**********
- Mouse operations in viewport
- ----------------------------
- The mouse is used for four main things in the viewport:
- left click (unless selectable unit under cursor)
- = FIRE weapon at enemy unit
- left click (when selectable unit under cursor)
- = SELECT unit
- CTRL + left click
- = toggle selection of units under cursor
- SHIFT + left click
- = add unit under cursor to selection
- CTRL + left click and drag
- = SELECT units in rectangle
- SHIFT + left click and drag
- = add units in rectangle to selection
- left click and hold (when not over a friendly unit)
- = auto FIRE weapon at cursor if autofire or AIM weapon if
- not
- right click (unless one of the following 2 cases)
- = ORDER selected units to position
- right click (when cursor is over out of range enemy unit and
- in attack mode)
- = ORDER selected units to follow
- right click (when over a vehicle that can be entered)
- = ORDER select units to enter vehicle
- right click and hold
- = MOVE towards cursor
- right click and hold + left click
- = while moving FIRE weapon at cursor
- right click and hold + left click and hold
- = if autofire, then FIRE weapon at cursor while moving
- otherwise stop and aim
- Mouse operations in dash
- ------------------------
- The mouse operations in the dash depend on area of the dash
- the cursor is in.
- Strategic Map:
- left click
- = re-center the viewport on this position on the map
- left click and drag
- = drag the green rectangle around the stratmap, dynamically
- re-centering viewport
- right click
- = ORDER selected units to this position on the map
- Sarge's Inventory:
- left click (when weapon under cursor is not current weapon)
- = make this weapon current weapon
- left click (when weapon under cursor is current weapon)
- = fire weapon if one of: medkit, wrench, recon, disguise,
- otherwise select Sarge and center on him.
- right click
- = drop weapon under cursor
- Squads:
- left click (when squad under cursor is not selected)
- = select squad
- left click (when squad under cursor is selected)
- = re-center viewport to center on squad leader
- SHIFT + left click
- = add this squad to selection
- CTRL + left click
- = toggle the selection of this squad
- right click
- = add selected units to this squad
- Selected Units:
- left click (when several units selected )
- = make this the only unit selected
- left click (when one unit selected)
- = re-center viewport on this unit
- left click (on crew member of selected vehicle)
- = exit vehicle
- CTRL + left click (when several units selected )
- = remove unit from selection
- right click
- = make this unit the selection leader
- AI Mode:
- left click
- = set all selected units to this AI mode
- Keyboard controls
- -----------------
- The following keys can be customized on the "Controls"
- screen. These are the default settings:
- w = forward (run for troopers, drive forward for vehicles)
- w + ALT = walk forward
- s = backward
- a = turn left
- d = turn right
- q = roll left
- e = roll right
- c = if standing then kneel, if kneeling then go prone
- f = dive
- space = fire weapon
- tab = change Sarge's current weapon to next in his inventory
- ` = drop Sarge's current weapon
- x = exit vehicle
- t = set selected units AI mode to Attack
- y = set selected units AI mode to Defend
- g = set selected units AI mode to Stand Fire
- h = set selected units AI mode to Hold Fire
- backspace = put cursor in chat window (all key presses then
- go to chat until Enter pressed)
- m = display briefing screen (not available in demo)
- b = select Sarge
- n = select all units
- The following keys are fixed and cannot be customized:
- F1-12
- = select the squad of the same number
- Shift+F1-12
- = add members of this squad to the selection
- Ctrl+F1-12
- = add the selected units to this squad
- 1-6 (not on numeric keypad)
- = select a weapon in Sarges inventory
- ...........................................
- 5) Multi-Player Games
- Playing against computer-controlled opponents is certainly
- challenging but nothing beats the excitement and
- unpredictability of playing against other human opponents.
- When participating in a multi-player game, one player is
- designated the Host. The Host is responsible for initiating
- the game. The remaining players are Guests and join
- the Host's game.
- Starting a Multi-Player Game
- To start a Multi-player game, click the Multi-player button
- on the Game Start menu. There are four types of multi-player
- game connections: IPX, TCP/IP, Modem, and Serial. TCP/IP or
- IPX games can have up to four players. Modem and Serial
- games can have only two.
- o Setting Up an IPX Game
- Players must be connected to an IPX or IPX-compatible
- network.
- o Setting Up a TCP/IP Game
- Players must be connected to the Internet via their ISP
- (Internet Service Provider). The Host must provide his ISP
- address to those wanting to join the game. To find out your
- IP address:
- 1. Click on the Windows Start button. On the Start menu,
- click Run.
- 2. Type winipcfg in the text box provided.
- 3. Click Ok.
- o Setting Up a Modem game
- Both players must have Windows compatible modems. The Host
- should make sure that the other player knows the phone
- number of the Host's modem. When the Guest player selects
- Modem Connection, the dialing interface pops up. Enter the
- phone number of the Host's modem.
- o Setting Up A Serial Game
- Each player should know what communications port they are
- Connecting through (e.g., COM1, COM2, etc).
- Hosting A Multi-Player Game
- To Host a multi-player game, follow the instructions below:
- 1. Click Multi-Player on the Game Start menu to go to the
- Comm. Channel Select screen. Any DirectPlay service
- providers you have installed are displayed at this time.
- 2. Click on the type of connection you want (IPX, Internet
- TCP/IP, Modem, or Serial) then click Select.
- 3. Click Start A War. Enter your Battle and Player names,
- then click Ok or click Cancel to return to the Game Start
- menu. Clicking Ok brings up the Multi-Player Host Panel.
- Player names appear in green on the Player List if the
- connection has a low latency. They appear in yellow for
- medium latency connections and in red for high latency
- connections. High latency can result in game pauses and/or
- player drop-outs.
- When all players are ready, click Start to begin the game.
- Your first task is to begin placing your units on the map.
- Refer to the section entitled Deploying Your Forces
- for more information.
- Joining A Multi-Player Game
- Players joining a game being hosted by someone else are
- referred to as Guests. To join a multi-player game as a
- Guest, follow the instructions below:
- 1. Click Multi-Player on the Game Start menu to go to the
- Comm. Channel Select screen. Any DirectPlay service
- providers you have installed are dis-played at this time.
- 2. Click on the type of connection you want (IPX, Internet
- TCP/IP, Modem, or Serial) then click on the Select
- button.
- 3. Click Join A War. Enter your player name, then click Ok
- or click Cancel to return to the Game Start menu.
- Clicking Ok brings up the Choose A Battle screen.
- 4. When the Choose a Battle screen appears, click on the
- game you want to join. Enter your player name in the
- appropriate box then click Ok. If you are joining a game
- through a TCP/IP connection, enter the IP address of the
- host's computer when the Locate Session screen appears.
- Click Ok to continue.
- Multi-Player Chat
- Players send text messages to one another while setting up
- a game and while a game is in progress. To send a message
- while setting up a game, move your mouse cursor over the
- Communications message window and start typing. Press the
- Enter key to send the message. Any message you send appears
- in the message window (in your color) and is visible to all.
- To send messages during a game, press the Backspace key then
- type out your message. Messages are visible to all players
- both friendly and enemy. If you want to send a message that
- only your team members can see, click Secure Message first.
- Multi-Player Host Panel
- The Multi-Player Host Panel contains your set-up options.
- It is the same screen used by the Host when setting up a
- multi-player game. When you are finished, click on Start to
- begin. Player: You can face up to three computer-controlled
- opponents. To add opponents, toggle the boxes to Computer.
- To remove opponents, toggle the boxes to Open.
- Color: Choose the color used to represent yourself and your
- opponents.
- Team: (Optional) Assign each player a team. Players on the
- same team are considered allies. For a greater
- challenge, try putting three computer opponents on the
- same team.
- Plastic: Set the amount of plastic each player has to buy
- units with at the beginning of each game. You can
- use this to give yourself or the computer an
- advantage.
- Game Type: Choose from a number of different multi-player
- games. Each has a unique set of rules and
- objectives.
- Rules of Engagement: Game rules for the type of game you
- selected are displayed here.
- Communications: The Communications window is not used in
- single player Battle games. (There's no one
- to talk to.)
- Goal: Set the number of points needed to win the game. Raise
- this number to increase the length of the game.
- Map: Select the particular map on which the battle will be
- fought. A view of the map is in the display area
- underneath.
- The Options button gives you access to the Multi-Player
- Options screen. This screen allows you to change the play
- of the game by including or excluding various power-ups.
- For more information see the Multi-Player Options Screen
- information in the Multi-Player section below.
- Multi-Player Guest Panel
- Once you have joined the Host's game you are given an
- opportunity to make limited game decisions on the
- Multi-player Guest Panel. The Host has the highest
- priority in selecting a color and team icon. Guests are
- given priority based on the order that they entered the game.
- Click Ready to let the Host and other Guests know that you
- are ready to start the game. Once all the Guest players have
- clicked Ready , the Host can start the game. Wait for
- the selected map to load. Your first task is to begin
- placing your units on the map. Refer to the section entitled
- Deploying Your Forces for more information.
- ...........................................
- 6) Technical Issues
- This section addresses known hardware conflicts with this
- title.
- If you are using a Hercules Terminator 3D/DX (Virge/DX)
- video card, and are using the latest drivers available from
- Hercules, you may experience random crashes or lockups.
- This problem can be fixed by installing the latest S3
- reference drivers for that Virge/DX chipset. You can
- download these drivers from S3's website (www.s3.com).
- If you have a #9 Ticket To Ride VI video card, you may
- experience some flickering when you bring up the in-game
- pause menu. Also, while the game is transitioning from one
- level to the next, your screen may be blank. Give the level
- a few seconds to load, then press the space bar. You should
- be able to continue the game normally.
- This demo is known to have a conflict with Winamp. Please
- make sure that you do not have Winamp, or any other
- applications running while you are playing this demo.
- ...........................................
- 7) DirectX(TM) And You
- Army Men: Toys in Space uses Microsoft's DirectX API.
- DirectX depends on having up to date hardware drivers for
- your video card and other hardware devices, such as your
- mouse, sound card or network card. If you are having
- difficulty with Army Men displays (screen flickers during
- game play, Sarge leaving a trail of dots) or other hardware
- (erratic mouse movement or choppy sound) try updating your
- drivers. The latest drivers can usually be found on the
- hardware manufacturer's web site. If you try updating your
- drivers and still experience problems, please refer to the
- Customer Support section of the game manual, or contact
- 3DO Customer Support (See the "Contacting 3DO Customer
- Support" section of this Readme).
- ...........................................
- 8) Purchasing 3DO Software
- You can order 3DO software from 3DO through our order web
- page at http://www.3do.com/direct, or you can call the 3DO
- Direct line at (800) 336-3506, or outside the United States
- at (650) 261-3227.
- ...........................................
- 9) Contacting 3DO Customer Support
- For technical problems or questions:
- 3DO Customer Support Website:
- http://www.3do.com/support (includes an email question form)
- Phone:
- Monday through Friday
- from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific Time, at
- (650) 261-3454.
- Fax number:
- (650) 261-3419.
- E-mail:
- customer-support@3do.com
- ...........................................
- Copyright 1999 The 3DO Company. All Rights Reserved. 3DO,
- Army Men, Toys in Space, Real Combat. Plastic Men., and
- their respective logos, are trademarks and/or service marks
- of the 3DO Company in the U.S. and other countries. All
- other trademarks belong to their respective owners.